Sunday, July 25, 2010

When Ordinary People Pray

What a great morning at CLC! Paul Benger shared an excellent message about 'when ordinary people pray'.

There is nothing boring about's not a task, chore
Ordinary people connecting with an extraordinary God

James 5:13-18

When ordinary people pray extraordinary things happen

Matthew 16:19

Don't ever think prayer is ineffective, prayer changes things...things happen in Heaven and on the earth. We've seen incredible answers to prayer

Pray is multi dimentional...

Psalm 100:4
Praise is not boring! It's an opportunity to bring our thanks to an amazing God for who he is and for all he has done

Pslam 46:10
There is a time to be still, not to worry...but know that He is God

1 John 5:14-15 confident, ask and keep on asking

Psalm 119:14
Think about it and think about it again...meditate!
Chew it over. Turn over his thoughts in your life

Psalm 34:17
Not just emotion but be desperate for the things of God
Content BUT wanting more!

Effective prayer is Transparent
James 5:16
Be real! Be able to say to your friends I got this right I got this wrong
When ordinary people pray extraordinary things happen
Be authentic...things happen!
Psalm 139:23
Don't get so religious about pray...more imperfect people in church...finding healing and wholeness
Psalm 14:4
When ordinary people pray with humility and transparency extraordinary things happen

Effective prayer is Unselfish
James 5:16
Pray for others so that you might be healed!

Effective prayer knows it's authority
James 5:16
What makes prayer effective?
Is it eloquence? No
The length of the prayer? No
Is it telling God and everybody else everything...all the detail? No
The most effective prayer...just ask the Father in the name of Jesus
It's ok to pray about the things we don't have....resources, confidence etc As long as we say BUT with what I do have I give to you! Here I am...

Effective prayer is Fervent
James 5:16
What is fervency? It's passion yes, but it is indignation. This is not right I want to see it changed. When were we last indignant? God doesn't think it's right we ask and keep asking until it changes

Effective prayer is Righteous
James 5:16
Our righteouness comes from's not about how good we are. Knowing that we are forgiven.
Sin...I'm a sinner. We need help, we need God in our lives. Find forgiveness and salvation through Jesus Christ. We are not left unrighteous...made right in him.

Extraordinary things happen when ordinary people pray effective prayers.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

When Ordinary People Connect

Another great morning in church. Mark Wilkins spoke on "When Ordinary People...Connect", the third message in this series.

True connections go beyond simple communication. When ordinary people connect extraordinary things happen.

Thd Ordinary life is important to God, the mundane, the everday stuff...that is where we practice our faith! Don't get caught up in the big events! It's in the space of the everday where God wants to walk with us. He's interested in YOU!

Ruth 1:1-22 - Great connection - vs 14
Ruth 2:1-23

Everday, ordinary, mundane life....story of Ruth. Why was her story important? God connections. Ruth gave birth to Obed...the father of Jesse, the father of David. All from Ruth's life of remaining connected! Used by God to bring Jesus into the world! Marriage is an ordinary connection where incredible extraordinary things can happen.

Acts 2:13-17 Ordinary men, nobodies! Yet the rulers and authorities saw the extraordinary impact they were having on the people

Jesus saw something special in the lives of these ordinary guys

Barnabas and Saul (Acts 13:1-3) - God calls the two of them, he calls people together to partner for establishing his church. They went together.

The church today is like that God calling us together 0rdinay people connecting seeing the extraordinary happen

Disconnection is what the devil wants. Loneliness, divorce, relationship breakdown

Luke 8:29- We're not called to live disconnected lives
We're called to be connected to life together.

How do we get better at connecting? Principles of great connections...

1. Connecting is all about others - putting others first

Supporting other people. Peter and John gave up their fish, careers, to follow Jesus

2. Connecting is about finding common ground

What are we both interested in, our purpose, doing life together. Find common ground with the people

3. Connecting requires effort/energy

Go to connect groups, put the time in, invest. Ruth put the energy and effort into her connections. Peter and John gave their all, as did Paul and Barnabas in building the church!

God uses these ordinary connections and does the extraordinary the miraculous! God uses the ordinary!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

When Ordinary People Receive and Give

Great morning in church. CLC was full-on! Paul Benger continued this excellent series, When Ordinary People....

When Ordinary People receive & give...Extraordinary things can happen!

Matthew 25:14-30

The master gives talents! Each according to their our spirit our attitude is.

Romans 12:6-8...give generously! Cheerfully! How we will give...not just what will we give.

Having a spirit of faith...that it will grow and multiply. Have a spirit of generosity

Being merciful...cheerfully, not begrudgingly. Steward the gifts well that he has given to us, this new life that we have been given. See the gift as a blessing not as a burden (don't bury it!)

1 Peter 3:4 - Inner self beauty...not just outward

Psalm 51:12

God is generous and he is willing...not stingy! What is in our spirit? Don't underestimate the value that your spirit brings. Extraordinary things happen when you and I receive and give.

God even believes in the one talent person (only he didn't believe in himself)
We can't allow negative things to control our spirit. Know that God believes in you!

Three things that helps us live in a right spirit...

1. Live with a spirit that recognises the masters goodness

Don't get a wrong view of the master (like the guy in our story) See God right and we'll begin to live right

Psalm 119:68 - you are good and you do good!
Psalm 11:7
Hebrews 11:6

God takes something small and grows it...we've had something small and insignificant and by faith seen it grow. Look for life hope and opportunity...

2. Live with a spirit that freely receives and freely gives

Matthew 10:8

We can find gifts difficult to receive. Is there something that flows from God to you today so that you can give? Jesus says give and it shall be given to you

3. Live with a spirit that's committed to advancing the masters kingdom

Church is all about God and people. Live with a spirit that knows what matters to God, what is right. It is people! The poor, physically and spiritually.

Mark 14:3-7

Let's live committed to building the Masters Kingdom. Committed to both the physical and spiritual poor!

Sunday, July 04, 2010

When Ordinary People Serve

Fabulous morning in Church. We began a new series, When Ordinary People.... Nathan Benger started it off with an excellent message, When Ordinary People Serve.

Extraordinary things happen...when people serve
Ordinary people, normal! When ordinary people give
The servant heart of the ordinary opens up the expansive life in God
God gave Abraham a dream... The impossible to be made possibe
He gives us dreams...making the impossible possible!

Hebrews 11:8-12

Seemingly impossible God connected the power of possibility
Vs 9 he was living in a tent! Ever camped?! Nothing like living in a tent to connect with the ground...with the dust

1. The dust of the ground is the domain of servants
(the stars for the kings and princes)
When we serve we become the perfect fit for all of his plans and purposes

Matt 20:26-28

Jesus came to serve not to be served
We often aquaint being a servant as being at the bottom...working our way up

2. The dust of the ground is where great things happen

Don't underestimTe what God can do with you and I
That is where the servant nature begins in the dust of the ground
Servant heart is a sacrificial heart

Proverbs 18:16

Expansiveness comes from a giving heart

Prov 25:6...humility

Greatness is ground out in the heart of a servant

Prov 11:24

Servant heart is a heart of humility
Matt 23:12
He that is faithful in little will be faithful in much
Learn to be a servant to be great
Pslam 112:9
If you have a dream serve. Don't underestimate the power of servanthood

3. The principle of the dust never changes

Sowing and reaping...this never changes. What got you where you are will keep you there.
In the dust the ordinary becomes the extraordinary!
If we have a servant heart when we approach the day to day mundane we will see the extraordinary, the great!
Jesus came to serve and was exalted
Don't loose sight of this.
Not from the ground up but from a position of kingship.
See the potential in each one of us as we serve the vision of this church
We want to see lives equipped and realeased to serve Christ and the vision of the house

Let people see the servant heart of this house

When you see people rise up from the position of a servant heart...the spirit to serve the whole body of Christ, great things will happen

Pray that we will be people that recognise that as we serve faithfully God will turn the ordinary into the extraordinary!